Will Trent, a new police procedural drama, premiered on ABC at the beginning of the year and has since garnered a dedicated fan following. The show follows a dyslexic man who goes on to become the agent with the highest case clearance rate in the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.
The tenth episode of the show was aired on March 28. However, the show seems to have gone on a break post that, as there have been no new episodes ever since. So when would Will Trent return with episode 11? Read on to find out.
Will Trent Episode 11: Release Date and Time
The series will return from the hiatus on April 18th. So episode 11 will be aired on ABC on Tuesday, April 18, at 10 pm ET. This puts the gap between the 10th and 11th episodes at three weeks. The upcoming installment is titled Bill Black. The episode will be available to stream on Hulu a day after its television premiere on Wednesday, April 19.
To stream the show, you will need to subscribe to Hulu. The streaming platform can be watched by paying $7.99 a month if you can sit through ads. The ads-free plan can be purchased at $14.99 a month. Hulu also provides a 30-day free trial to new customers.
Will Trent Episode 11: Preview
ABC has released a trailer for the upcoming episode to help fans with the long wait. An official synopsis has also been unveiled: “Will goes under cover as Bill Black, a criminal with a troubled past, to take down a drug organization and find a missing DEA agent; Angie aims to put her relationship with Will behind her.” Watch the preview below:
The show stars Ramón Rodríguez in the titular role, along with Erika Christensen as Angie Polaski, Iantha Richardson as Faith Mitchell, Jake McLaughlin as Michael Ormewood, Sonja Sohn as Amanda Wagner, Jennifer Morrison as Abigail Bentley Campano and Mark-Paul Gosselaar as Paul Campano.
Will Trent Season 1: Number of Episodes
Will Trent season 1 will feature 13 episodes, which means the show will continue for only two more weeks after the upcoming episode? While most of the shows on ABC get 20 or 22 episodes, new dramas are initially ordered with 13 episodes to see the audience’s response. The same was the case with Will Trent. There has been no announcement of a second season yet.
The description for the series reads, “Will Trent, having been abandoned by his parents as a child, has had to grow up in the Atlanta foster care system, which has had a lasting effect on him. Despite being dyslexic, he has grown up to become a Special Agent in the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI). Trent has an eye for observational detail, and this has enabled him to become the GBI agent with the highest case clearance rate.”
“This has engendered animosity in some of his peers, and also from Atlanta Police Department (APD) officers – complicated by APD and GBI sharing an office building – because Trent had been assigned a police corruption case and solving it resulted in the arrest of several APD officers. His boss at the GBI is Amanda Wagner, who assigns one of those disgruntled APD officers, Faith Mitchell, temporary GBI status as Trent’s partner.”
How excited are you to watch the next episode of the procedural drama? Let us know in the comments section.
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