The Tamil film industry recently witnessed the release of “Japan,” the 25th movie in Karthi’s career, which created a buzz in the Kollywood...
Category - Entertainment
The Tamil film industry witnessed a surge of nostalgia as the iconic movie ‘3’, starring Dhanush and Shruti Hassan, was re-released in a Chennai...
The Tamil film industry is set to witness the launch of a much-anticipated movie, “Annapoorani,” slated for release on December 1, 2023. This film...
“Aadi Keshava,” a Telugu action entertainer, directed by Srikanth N Reddy, has captivated audiences with its unique storyline and dynamic cast...
Disney+ is set to bring festive cheer this November with its new Christmas comedy film, “Dashing Through the Snow.” Tim Story’s film will hit...
“Ganapath”, the much-awaited Bollywood action thriller directed by Vikas Bahl and featuring stars Tiger Shroff, Kriti Sanon and Amitabh Bachchan...
“800,” the highly anticipated biopic of the legendary Sri Lankan cricketer and coach Muttaiah Muralitharan, finally made its theatrical debut on...
“A Murder at the End of the World” has quickly become a must-watch series for mystery and thriller fans alike, thanks to its captivating plotline...
Anthony Doerr’s beloved literary classic “All the Light We Cannot See” will soon become an immersive visual spectacle on Netflix, directed by...
The Philippine cinema landscape is set to witness a groundbreaking moment with the release of the highly anticipated horror film “Mallari.” This...