The film industry is buzzing with excitement as the countdown for the trailer release of the much-anticipated movie ‘Salaar’ begins. Directed by...
Category - Entertainment
“Sam Bahadur,” a much-anticipated biographical war film in Hindi, is set to make its mark in the cinematic world. Directed by the acclaimed Meghna...
Akhil Akkineni, a notable member of the prestigious Akkineni family in Telugu cinema, took a significant leap in his career with the movie ‘Agent.’...
Released on December 15, 2023, ‘Kundannoorile Kulsitha Lahala’ is a film that has created a buzz in the Malayalam film industry. Directed by the...
The Indian cinema landscape is buzzing with excitement as Yash Raj Films announces the release date for “War 2,” the much-anticipated sequel in...
“Marakkuma Nenjam,” a highly anticipated Tamil romantic comedy, is making waves in the film industry. Directed by Yoagandran Raako and featuring a...
The year 2023 is set to be a landmark year for cinema enthusiasts with the much-anticipated release of the thriller film “Razakar,” featuring the talented...
“Sonic the Hedgehog 3,” set for release on December 20, 2024, has already made waves in cinematic circles. Production for this third installment...
“Katera,” an upcoming Kannada movie set to release on December 29, 2023, marks a significant milestone in Sandalwood cinema. The film, produced by...
“Martin,” a highly anticipated action entertainer, marks a collaboration between writer Arjun Sarja and director A.P. Arjun. Starring Dhruva Sarja...